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Present remotely & face-to-face better

Help your sales force convince in crucial situations with the right content at every point of contact: either face-to-face, by phone or in a video conference.

  • Space
  • Space
  • Space

Modern hybrid sales

Fast, intuitive, and reliable in every situation

  • On the phone

    Simply share a short URL during the conversation and turn your audio call into a multimedia presentation. Without installation or effort for your prospects.

  • Face-to-face

    You want to present content to a client while maintaining a minimum distance? With Pitchview, you can use any on-site display with an internet connection. All you need is a weak internet connection and no guest Wi-Fi or network cable.

  • In a video conference

    The right slides always at hand in every video call.

Create virtual salesrooms

Interactive presentations

Create virtual salesrooms

  • Create impressive, interactive presentations with Pitchview and elegantly guide prospective customers through your range of services.
  • Navigate to suitable content with just a few clicks and in seconds.

Presenting on-brand

Custom Branding

Presenting on-brand

  • Customize your logo and backgrounds.
  • Use simple links such as that are easy to spell on the phone.

Turning presentations into conversations

Act flexibly

Turning presentations into conversations

Adapt your presentation flexibly to the course of the conversation.

  • Present different presentations, slides and content as a seamless experience.
  • Highlight content with laser pointer and zoom function.

Everyone is always up to date

Simplify communication between marketing and sales and communicate new products, campaigns, and updates more quickly to the market.

Single point of truth for your sales documents

Central content hub

Single point of truth for your sales documents

  • Your entire sales team always receives all new content automatically.
  • Everyone always has the latest videos, presentations or white papers at hand. Also offline.
  • Flexibly organise content, access & write permission in workspaces.

Sales Productivity Booster

More time for sales

Sales Productivity Booster

Pitchview reduces unproductive working hours and increases active sales time.

  • New products, campaigns and updates can be quickly communicated to the market.
  • Contents are found quickly and are always at hand.
  • You do not need any service providers for programming and can distribute all content to your team in real time.

Try Pitchview now for free

Free trial